The Case Study

Chapter 1 - Brand Refreshment

1. Logo


2. Branding Guidelines

3. Branding Assets

Client's feedback

“ We really like the new colour palette specifically the darkest shade of blue. We also like the way the W is written with the gap. The logo is great and very modern with the dot.”
Karine Wright
Funder of Wright Place

Chapter 2 - Website Update


4. Identifying problems


The colour combinations used on the website did not meet the accessibility standards of WCAG AA and WCAG AAA, resulting in text legibility issues for some users.


The website's contents and elements lack complete alignment with each other, potentially causing inconsistencies in the overall layout and user experience.


Inconsistent use of imagery, photography; lack iconography to improve accessibility, e.g. search filters; Poor layout design.

5. Competitive analysis


6. Buyer persona

Buyer persona helps to have a deeper understanding of target customers as real people. We’ll be able to anticipate their needs, goals, pain points and address them.

7. User flow

The homepage heat map provides profound insights into visitors' behavior, measuring the popularity or disapproval of page designs and button locations, enabling us to implement changes that enhance website navigation for customers.

Based on the heat map analysis, a user flow has been generated, centering around the four most frequently visited pages on the website: Sell, Sold, About, and Blog.

To further improve user experience and maximise leads generation, a Call-to-Action button will be strategically implemented on these key pages. This CTA will guide users towards relevant actions, encouraging them to engage more actively with the website's offerings and services. The goal is to create a seamless and engaging user journey that aligns with the users' interests and optimises their overall experience.

8. Site map

The site map outlines the structure of the redesigned website, which is divided into six subpages: Buy, Sold, Video, Meet, Insights, and Contact. The four pages highlighted in yellow boxes require extensive reorganisation to structure the content better and incorporate new features.

9. Wireframes



Take Away

The power of research and analysis
In this project, I really dug deep. I looked at what other brands were doing, and I talked to the people who might use our brand. I wanted to know how we compared to others and who would benefit the most from our brand.
All this research helped me see where our brand should go. It was like a roadmap for us. With these insights, I worked on a design that not only makes things better for our users but also fits perfectly with where the brand is headed.